DBMS English School is pleased to announce that Samarth Pandey, a Std XI student, has been named one of the twenty-odd winners from all over India at the IRIS (Initiative for Research and Innovation for STEM) National Fair.
Samarth's project, which focuses on Brainwave stimulation as a means of preventing Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Insomnia, and improving cognitive abilities, was the recipient of the grand award. He will represent India at the International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF), which will take place in Dallas, Texas, USA from May 13 to 19, 2023.
This is the second time our school has been chosen for the International Grand Award. The first student to achieve this honour was Subhigyan Priyansh at the Initiative for Research & Innovation in STEM National Fair in Bengaluru, California in 2020.