DBMS English School celebrated May Day on 1st May 2023, to express gratitude and salute the efforts of the school's sub staff.

The event was dedicated to honouring the hard work and dedication of the Mali bhaiyas, Aaya didis, and Bahadur jis who contribute significantly to the school community. The children showed their appreciation by organizing a short, entertaining program and fun-filled games for the sub staff.

In a heart-warming gesture, the Plus 2 students presented handmade cards and gifts to the sub staff as a mark of respect. The highlight of the day was when the members of the Social Service Clubs, namely JYOTI Club and INTERACT Club, took over the sub staff's responsibilities while they enjoyed the program arranged for them. This act of empathy allowed the students to understand the value and dignity of labour.

The day's celebration was graced by the presence of the School Managing Committee members, Principal Mrs. Rajani Shekhar, and Vice Principal Mr. P.K. Sahu, who felicitated and honoured the sub staff for their outstanding service. Notably, Nishi didi, one of our sub staff, was recognized and awarded for her remarkable 25 years of service in the institution. The occasion was a heart-warming and memorable tribute to the unsung heroes who make the school a better place each day.