“Bhanumathi Neelakantan Awards” which is a registered N.G.O. is embarking on a new project called “Surya Prakash”. This project will benefit two villages “Dhuandih” and “Banshtola” in the remote areas of Jharkhand. Each hut of the two villages will receive a Solar Lantern. We will also install six solar street lights in these villages. This will help the villagers to use the solar lanterns when they go out to work in the dark hours of early morning and they will also feel safe at night. The street lights will help the villagers to enjoy informal gathering and Satsangh and school going children will be able to do their work under these street lights.
About 200 solar lanterns will be distributed in these two villages over a period of two days. On Saturday, 29th January, 2011 the members of the Bhanumathi Neelakantan Awards headed by the Chairperson - Mrs. B. Neelakantan, President; Mrs. Lakshmi Varadarajan, Secretary; Mrs. Rajani Shekhar and others visited the village "Dhaundih" and distributed the Solar Lantern to each hut owner. The Mukhiya and the members of the village rendered their co-operation in distribution of the solar lantern and they appreciated our efforts. Another group of members will visit the second village “Banstola” which is about 7 Kms. from Patamda (30 Kms. from Jamshedpur) to distribute the Solar Lantern in that village. This team will leave D.B.M.S. English School at around 01:30 p.m.
The aim of this project is to utilise the energy of the sun (Surya) to bring light (Prakash) into the lives of the villagers. Later Bhanumathi Neelakantan Awards will also be taking up other issues in these villages like installment of borewells.